Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Katie at 23 weeks (Nesting so much I'm like a bird!)

The big milestone for week 23 is that heaven-forbid I go into pre-term labor; statistics say that little Beckton would have an 85% chance of surviving if I gave birth now! I pray to carry him for much longer but I like the odds. He weighs as much as a large mango about a little over 1 pound).
I've been in my "nesting phase" for quite some time now. I am doing a major overhaul on the closets in our house. Apparently, if you clean out one closet you end up cleaning them all out. Not my (or Scott's) idea of a fun way to spend the weekend but Beckton needs a place to call his own too! So, we're getting ready for our little guy by basically throwing out everything we own. As Beckton's uncle Jeff would say we are "rounding up". :)

Other than that - we're loving the Ohio snow but not the cold weather. I say if it's going to be this cold there should be snow on the ground.
Here are some major events that have occurred during my pregnancy:

August 08 - We gained another family member - Lily Lu Kenney (our second golden doodle)
September 08 - Remnants of Hurricane Ike hit Ohio leaving us with no power for days!
October 08 - We heard Beckton's heartbeat for the very first time!
November 08 - Election 2008 - Barack Obama voted in as the first African American President!
December 08 - We found out our baby was a boy!
January 09 - UF wins the BCS Championship Game! Go Gators!

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