Somehow amidst being sick and not gaining any weight, I look like I've gained weight! I've convinced myself that it's the sweater and not me ... I think I'll be saying that for the next 5 months! This week the baby is about the size of an apple and maybe that's why I like applesauce so much! It seems to be one of the only things I can keep down on a regular basis. So I probably answered any lingering questions about am I still sick. Unfortunately, yes. My poor Mom was sick all 9 months with my sister and I both so I think I'm in for the long haul. Thanks Mom!
This week I bought myself some maternity pants and I love them! They are super comfy and surprisingly cute. No one can even tell at work except when I show them and then everyone laughs. This weekend I also went to my third baby shower during my pregnancy. The first shower was back in September for my friend Jen (although I didn't know I was pregnant at the time I sure was interested in all the gifts!) The second shower I hosted for my friend Rachel also in September, that one was lots of fun. The third was for my friend Katie and it really put me in a good mood. I've been so sick lately that it's been hard to feel upbeat but Saturday was just great.
Last but certainly not least, Scott told me that I look great and the only thing growing is my belly and my butt. What???? My butt is not growing! Not yet anyway! Wow, he's dead!
Last but certainly not least, Scott told me that I look great and the only thing growing is my belly and my butt. What???? My butt is not growing! Not yet anyway! Wow, he's dead!