Thursday, August 5, 2010

The second trimester

        Another update showing some progress of Baby K!

The bare belly picture on the left is me at 13 weeks and the black and white is me at 14 weeks.  The beginning of the second trimester is always filled with a little bit of excitement for me. For one, we started blabbing the news to everyone since we were feeling a little more assured that things were safe - passing the 12 week mark. The other reason is that I am always hopeful the sickness will pass in the second trimester! NO SUCH LUCK! This time around I am also getting some varicose veins and migraines! A little different than with Beckton that's for sure. I haven't yet found any stretch marks but I'm not ruling them out this time. This little one boy or girl is making me look less attractive! Maybe it is a girl, as they say girls steal your beauty! Hmmmm....

                             13 Weeks
      14 Weeks

Katie at 15 weeks - on Beckton's first Birthday!

Yes, I'm still sick but happy to have a new baby on the way and our sweet little man turning 1! We spent the day (the 3 1/2 of us) at the Boonshoft Museum playing and running around. It was a really great day and one I will always remember (minus the sick part). Beckton's Birthday Party was the following week - a baseball theme. We partied and had a wonderful time with family and friends.


Katie at 17 weeks - I'm still sick :( but Baby K is doing well!


Katie at 19 weeks - the day of our ultrasound!

Today we had our ultrasound and everything looked great! Prior to the start of the ultrasound we told the nurse we did NOT want to know the sex of the baby right away but instead asked her to keep it from us and seal it in an envelope. We had to turn away several times so we didn't see anything but I think I saw a little something anyway. We saved the envelope to take with us on vacation to open on our 4 year wedding anniversary. Scott headed down a few days before we did for work and the last thing he said to me before we left to join him was "Forget the envelope and you're dead!"


Next up our first family Beach vacation! We headed to Siesta Key with Beckton and Baby K in tow, along with Scott's parents and we met my parents there too. We had a pretty relaxing time though beach vacations pregnant and with a one year old are a little different than what Scott and I are used to! Our last beach vacation was on our honeymoon and we did nothing but swim, sleep, eat and drink! Before we left for vacation we had our 19 week ultrasound which went very well. We are blessed to have what appeared to be an active and healthy baby .. but we didn't find out the sex! The envelope you see below held the fate of our future ... which we opened a week later on our anniversary in Siesta Key! Scott took me to dinner on our anniversary and his parents stayed with Beckton. We had dinner outside at Cabana Jack and just before we ate we tore open the envelope because we couldn't wait any longer! I had a hunch the whole time based on what I thought I saw during the ultrasound but was still surprised! During dinner we tried to think of life with two boys, names and just enjoy the great food! After dinner we called friends and family and posted the belly picture below to facebook to spread the news ...

A picture of me at 20 weeks in Siesta Key!


Katie at 21 Weeks on my 28th Birthday!

So far so good ... Baby K is not making me sick and that is wonderful. The picture below in pink is me on my 28th Birthday. The day was great complete with flowers from my team, lots of calls, texts, and emails and little get-together with friends and family. My lovely Mom offered to make me one of my favorite things - a pineapple upside down cake and we celebrated on the back porch with babies (Mia and Beckton), pregnant bellies (Me and Marisa), food, drinks, music and fun. Scott got me an i-robot which cleans the floors for us! I really like it and we name it Karl. He's like a member of the family!!


Katie at 23 Weeks

This picture was taken on yet again a hot day but a beautiful day at that! The weeks leading up to this proved to be tough for me as Scott was "gallivanting" and working too in Europe. He left us for about 12 days and visited Barcelona, London and Oxford. He had a nice time but we missed him and I found out what it was really like to be a single Mom! EXHAUSTING! Besides being tired though, little man and I had so much fun together. We had dates at Bills Doughnut Shop, shopped, went to the park and enjoyed some quality time.


Katie at 25 weeks

Well I'm feeling better - craving things like strawberry shortcake. Better watch out or I might have a lot of weight to lose after this little guy is born! These pictures were taken over the 4th of July weekend. We enjoyed time with friends and family (including pool time with Laura, Rachel, Amber and I and all of our babies!) Afterward Scott, Beckton and I watched fireworks at Grandma and Grandpa Kenney's and Beckton yelled "Boom Boom Boom!" Too cute. On July 5th the big celebration happened in Centerville. We spent a lovely morning at the Hinkebein household enjoying breakfast and then headed to the annual parade. It was so hot that we really couldn't stay long and had to rip Beckton's clothes off of him in a hurry! I would have done the same but thought it might be inappropriate. The pictures taken below show me with a little belly on the left and a huge belly on the right! Same day! Baby K seemed to enjoy himself and did not make me sick so that was nice!



A "27 weeks" comparison ... Apparently you get A LOT bigger with the second! The left is me pregnant with Beckton at 27 weeks.
The right is me pregnant with Baby #2 at 27 weeks!

Stay tuned for the next update coming very soon!