Monday, December 22, 2008

Katie at 19 weeks (Happy Holidays!)

Here is my growing belly at 19 weeks. Luckily the rest of me isn't growing as fast! I still fit into most of my clothes which makes me very happy! I don't have much new to report ... just getting ready for the Holidays and trying at all costs to avoid throwing up while shopping, cooking, and wrapping gifts! Little Beckton is moving around a lot! I can feel him and I even saw him move around (ever so slightly) once. I looked down and my shirt moved! It was the neatest thing. He is currently about the size of a banana and according to the books he can hear Mom and Dad talking! Scott is much more in tune to what's going on and is always feeling my stomach so he can try and feel the baby. He won't be able to feel the movement for a few more weeks but it's very sweet that he tries! Next week is our 20 week appointment and then all the family comes to town for Christmas! I definitely feel more excited this Christmas than I have in a very long time. All of the songs I hear seem to mean so much more now ... and I think Beckton can hear the songs too!

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